The Pakistan government has released details of foreign gifts retained by officials, sparking controversy over the Toshakhana gifts sold by former Prime Minister Imran Khan. The 446-page document, which includes gifts retained from 2002 to 2022 by former presidents, prime ministers, federal cabinet members, politicians, bureaucrats, retired generals, judges, and journalists, revealed that President Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, and former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif were among those who benefited. Most gifts were retained free of charge, except for a few, such as one bulletproof vehicle each retained by Zardari and Nawaz Sharif after paying money to the Toshakhana. Khan and his wife received five precious wristwatches, ornaments, and other items. Officials are legally allowed to keep gifts if they pay a pre-assessed amount, typically a fraction of the value of the gift. The release of the details followed Khan\’s disqualification by the Election Commission of Pakistan last year over allegations that he had hidden proceeds from the sale of state gifts.
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