February 23, 2023
4 views 23 secs 0

James Webb spots super old, massive galaxies that shouldn\’t exist

Astronomers have discovered six potential galaxies that emerged so early in the universe\’s history and are so massive they should not be possible under current cosmological theory. The galaxies were spotted in images from the James Webb Space Telescope, and are estimated to have existed at the dawn of the universe, around 500 to 700 […]

February 23, 2023
5 views 23 secs 0

James Webb spots super old, massive galaxies that shouldn\’t exist

Astronomers have discovered six potential galaxies that emerged so early in the universe\’s history and are so massive they should not be possible under current cosmological theory. The galaxies were spotted in images from the James Webb Space Telescope, and are estimated to have existed at the dawn of the universe, around 500 to 700 […]

February 23, 2023
3 views 23 secs 0

James Webb spots super old, massive galaxies that shouldn\’t exist

Astronomers have discovered six potential galaxies that emerged so early in the universe\’s history and are so massive they should not be possible under current cosmological theory. The galaxies were spotted in images from the James Webb Space Telescope, and are estimated to have existed at the dawn of the universe, around 500 to 700 […]

February 23, 2023
2 views 23 secs 0

James Webb spots super old, massive galaxies that shouldn\’t exist

Astronomers have discovered six potential galaxies that emerged so early in the universe\’s history and are so massive they should not be possible under current cosmological theory. The galaxies were spotted in images from the James Webb Space Telescope, and are estimated to have existed at the dawn of the universe, around 500 to 700 […]

February 19, 2023
3 views 12 secs 0

Opinion | NASA Refused to Cancel James Webb. Good.

کامنی کی کہانی خلائی پروگرام کے اندر لیوینڈر سکیر کی میراث سے متعلق ایک حالیہ تنازعہ کی روشنی میں دوبارہ دیکھنے کے لائق ہے۔ پچھلے سال کے آخر میں، NASA نے اعلان کیا کہ وہ اپنی گہری خلائی دوربین کا نام جیمز ویب کے نام پر رکھنے کے اپنے فیصلے کو واپس نہیں لے گا، […]