March 13, 2023
4 views 33 secs 0

China leaves EU playing catchup in race for raw materials

The European Union is seeking to secure its supply lines of critical raw materials, including lithium and rare earths, amidst concerns over its dependence on China. Lithium is classified by the EU as a \”critical raw material\” necessary for the transition to cleaner energy, as it is a key component of rechargeable batteries for electric […]

Pakistan News
March 08, 2023
5 views 5 secs 0

Russia, six Afghanistan’s neighbours including Pakistan set up club to discuss road to peace

تاشقند: روس اور افغانستان کی سرحد سے متصل چھ ممالک نے جنگ زدہ ملک میں طویل مدتی امن کے حصول کے طریقوں پر بات چیت کے لیے ایک کلب قائم کیا ہے، منگل کو افتتاحی اجلاس میں سفارت کاروں نے افغان مرکزی بینک کے اثاثوں کو منجمد کرنے کا مطالبہ کیا ہے۔ ازبکستان کی وزارت […]

Pakistan News
March 05, 2023
4 views 2 mins 0

Lila Chennai: Indian-owned ship MV Lila Chennai rushes wheat for Pakistan from Russia – Times of India

واشنگٹن: ایک مثالی دنیا میں، ہندوستان ٹوٹے ہوئے اور پریشان حال لوگوں کی مدد کے لیے جلدی کرے گا پاکستان جیسا کہ یہ دیوالیہ پن اور ڈیفالٹ کے دہانے پر ہے۔ اس کی غیر موجودگی میں، ایک ہندوستانی ملکیتی جہاز، MV لیلا چنئیملک میں 40 فیصد مہنگائی اور بڑھتی ہوئی خوراک کی قلت کی اطلاعات […]

March 02, 2023
5 views 9 secs 0

SpaceX launches astronauts from US, UAE and Russia to space station

SpaceX نے ناسا کے لیے چار خلابازوں کو بین الاقوامی خلائی اسٹیشن کے لیے روانہ کیا ہے، جن میں عرب دنیا کا پہلا شخص بھی شامل ہے جو طویل قیام کے لیے اوپر جا رہا ہے۔ وہ فالکن راکٹ آدھی رات کے فوراً بعد کینیڈی اسپیس سینٹر سے اڑا، جس نے مشرقی ساحل کی طرف […]

February 26, 2023
6 views 3 mins 0

Afraid to sleep indoors: Child survivors of deadly quake left traumatized | CNN

On February 6, 2021, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. The quake killed at least 83 people and injured over 1,600. For 15-year-old Salma Sharif, the disaster was particularly devastating: she witnessed the death of her brother and mother. After sleeping on the streets for two […]

February 26, 2023
6 views 2 mins 0

Russia says West \’destabilised\’ G20 talks: ministry

The Russian government has demanded on Monday that Ukraine enter into a shared statement via the G20 to force compliance with India\’s G20 finance ministers meeting, which had been stalled due to disagreements. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, \”We regret that the G20 is the target of non-compliance by the Western Group and is […]

February 26, 2023
5 views 2 mins 0

Russia says West \’destabilised\’ G20 talks: ministry

The Russian government has demanded on Monday that Ukraine enter into a shared statement via the G20 to force compliance with India\’s G20 finance ministers meeting, which had been stalled due to disagreements. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, \”We regret that the G20 is the target of non-compliance by the Western Group and is […]

February 26, 2023
7 views 2 mins 0

Russia says West \’destabilised\’ G20 talks: ministry

The Russian government has demanded on Monday that Ukraine enter into a shared statement via the G20 to force compliance with India\’s G20 finance ministers meeting, which had been stalled due to disagreements. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, \”We regret that the G20 is the target of non-compliance by the Western Group and is […]

February 26, 2023
5 views 2 mins 0

G20 meeting ends in discord as Russia and China refuse to condemn Ukraine war

کے مطابق لی مائر نے کہا کہ ان کے مطابق \”بھارت جنگ کی مذمت کرنے والے ارکان میں شامل تھا۔\” The G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors met in Buenos Aires this week, and after much debate the meeting ended without agreement on condemning Russia and China for their attacks on Ukraine and denouncing […]

February 24, 2023
6 views 7 secs 0

‘Oh my God, it’s really happening’

۲۴ فروری ۲۰۲۲ کو یورپی بحران کا ایک نشانہ روشن ہوئے، جب روس یوکرین کو اپنے قبضے میں لے کر اپنی حکومت کو کافی سزا دینے کے لئے تیار ہو گیا۔ ایستونیا اور اس کے بالٹیٰ دوسرے ممالک کے رہنما کو فوری طور پر فون کی کال آئی تھی، انہوں نے اس کے بارے میں […]