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New book sheds light on Vernon, B.C.’s First World War internment camp – Okanagan | Globalnews.ca

In News
February 23, 2023

A new book has been revealed by the Vernon and District Family History Society that sheds light on a dark chapter in Vernon, B.C.\’s history. During World War I, an internment camp was set up in the area to detain those with connections to enemy countries. Over a thousand people were interned and the camp held a jail, mental asylum and a house for transients. The book features stories of the internees, pictures from all over the world of the camp, and details about other work camps in the area. It will be available for purchase and copies will be given to museums and schools across the North Okanagan. This book is an important part of history and will help to educate younger generations. Follow the Vernon and District Family History Society on Facebook to learn more.

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