On February 22, 2023, Ukrainians gathered in Kyiv\’s Independence Square to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of their country. The United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to demand Russia withdraw its troops from Ukraine, and Japan is chairing the Group of Seven summit online in support of the Ukrainian people. In addition, Japan has pledged $27 million in emergency humanitarian aid to Turkey and Syria, which were recently affected by earthquakes, and $16 million in emergency grant aid to Ukraine. Meanwhile, China called for a comprehensive ceasefire in Ukraine and opposed sanctions on Russia imposed by Western countries. North Korea announced that it had fired four cruise missiles that flew 2,000 kilometers, and the G-20 finance chiefs met in India to address challenges facing the global economy. To show their solidarity, Ukrainian Ambassador to Japan Oleksiy Makeyev visited the Saitama Shrine in Japan to pray for peace.
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