March 12, 2023
6 views 48 secs 0

Samsung SDS renews vision for cloud leadership

سام سنگ ایس ڈی ایس کے صدر اور سی ای او ہوانگ سنگ وو جمعہ کو سیئول میں کمپنی کے جمسل کیمپس میں ایک پریس تقریب سے خطاب کر رہے ہیں۔ (Samsung SDS) جنوبی کوریا کی آئی ٹی سروسز فرم سام سنگ SDS نے جمعہ کو اپنے بڑھتے ہوئے کلاؤڈ بزنس کے لیے ایک نئے […]

March 10, 2023
2 views 5 secs 0

PM aide explains role of finance leadership in public sector

اسلام آباد: وزیر اعظم کے معاون خصوصی برائے خزانہ طارق باجوہ نے جمعرات کو عوامی شعبے میں پائیداری سے چلنے والی صلاحیت کی تعمیر، پالیسیوں اور طریقوں کو فروغ دینے کی اہمیت پر زور دیا۔ وہ یہاں ایسوسی ایشن آف چارٹرڈ سرٹیفائیڈ اکاؤنٹنٹس کے زیر اہتمام پاکستان پبلک سیکٹر کانفرنس 2023 میں بطور مہمان خصوصی […]

March 09, 2023
4 views 5 secs 0

Forum launched for women’s leadership in medicine

کراچی: صحت کی دیکھ بھال کرنے والی افرادی قوت میں داخل ہونے والی خواتین کی تعداد میں گزشتہ دہائی کے دوران تیزی سے اضافہ ہوا ہے۔ تاہم، جب عالمی سطح پر طب میں قائدانہ عہدوں کی بات آتی ہے تو خواتین کی نمائندگی کم رہتی ہے۔ اس خلا کو دور کرنے اور قائدانہ کردار میں […]

Pakistan News
March 05, 2023
6 views 2 mins 0

Former Pak general blames political leadership for contributing to the civil-military imbalance – Times of India

اسلام آباد: ایک ریٹائرڈ پاکستانی جنرل نے کہا ہے کہ وہ سابق کے ساتھ کوئی اعتبار نہیں رکھتے فوج چیف جنرل قمر جاوید باجوہ کا یہ عہد کہ طاقتور فوج قوموں کی سیاست سے باہر رہے گی اور سیاسی قیادت کو سول ملٹری عدم توازن میں کردار ادا کرنے کا ذمہ دار ٹھہرایا۔سابق لیفٹیننٹ جنرل […]

February 26, 2023
4 views 2 mins 0

Germany\’s climate envoy wants clear G-7 leadership on global warming

German special envoy for climate action, Johannes Morgen, has urged the G-7 group of seven leaders to take clear commitments to tackle the destructive effects of climate change in their own countries when they meet in Japan in May. In an interview with the BBC, Morgen said that German priorities for technological and environmental policies […]

February 26, 2023
7 views 2 mins 0

Germany\’s climate envoy wants clear G-7 leadership on global warming

German special envoy for climate action, Johannes Morgen, has urged the G-7 group of seven leaders to take clear commitments to tackle the destructive effects of climate change in their own countries when they meet in Japan in May. In an interview with the BBC, Morgen said that German priorities for technological and environmental policies […]

February 26, 2023
7 views 2 mins 0

Germany\’s climate envoy wants clear G-7 leadership on global warming

German special envoy for climate action, Johannes Morgen, has urged the G-7 group of seven leaders to take clear commitments to tackle the destructive effects of climate change in their own countries when they meet in Japan in May. In an interview with the BBC, Morgen said that German priorities for technological and environmental policies […]

Pakistan News
February 23, 2023
10 views 49 secs 0

‘Jail Bharo’: PTI senior leadership forces itself into prison van in Lahore as court arrest drive commences

On Wednesday, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders, including Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Asad Umar, and Senator Azam Swati, presented themselves for arrest as the party\’s \’Jail Bharo Tehreek\’ (court arrest drive) commenced from Lahore. The campaign was initiated by Imran Khan to counter the alleged attack on the party\’s fundamental rights and the economic \”meltdown\”. The PTI […]

Pakistan News
February 23, 2023
5 views 3 mins 0

‘Jail Bharo’: PTI senior leadership forces itself into prison van in Lahore as party’s court arrest drive commences

was “trying to hide its corruption and economic terrorism” through the ‘Jail Bharo Tehreek’. On Wednesday, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders presented themselves for arrest as the party\’s \’Jail Bharo Tehreek\’ commenced from Lahore. The movement is aimed at countering the \”attack\” on the party\’s fundamental rights and the economic \”meltdown\”. PTI leaders Shah Mahmood Qureshi, […]

Economy, Pakistan News
February 22, 2023
9 views 13 mins 0

‘Jail Bharo’: PTI senior leadership forces itself into prison van in Lahore

[ PTI leaders presented themselves for arrest on Wednesday as the party’s ‘Jail Bharo Tehreek’ (court arrest drive) commenced from Lahore, which according to ex-premier Imran Khan is aimed at countering the “attack” on the party’s fundamental rights and the economic “meltdown”. In a video message, PTI Vice President Fawad Chaudhry said that numerous party […]