A four-day work week can be \’life-changing.\’ Should Canadians get one?

A U.K. study conducted by researchers from the University of Cambridge, Boston College, and Autonomy found that a four-day working week trial significantly reduced stress and illness in the workforce compared to a five-day working week. Of the 61 companies that participated, 56 said they are continuing with the four-day working week, with 18 making it a permanent change. Joe O’Connor, the director and co-founder of the Toronto-based Work Time Reduction Center of Excellence, said the four-day working week can motivate employees to meet targets, while also streamlining operations and attacking wasteful processes. A survey found that 91 per cent of senior managers in corporate Canada polled would support a four-day work week for their team, with nearly three-quarters of workers saying they would put in four 10-hour days in exchange for an extra day off a week. O’Connor believes the future of work will be shorter and smarter. Follow my Facebook group for more updates on the four-day working week trend.

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