March 01, 2023
5 views 13 secs 0

Wastewater sector emits nearly twice as much methane as previously thought

پرنسٹن یونیورسٹی کی نئی تحقیق کے مطابق، میونسپل گندے پانی کو صاف کرنے والے پلانٹس ماحول میں میتھین کی تقریباً دوگنی مقدار کا اخراج کرتے ہیں جو سائنسدانوں نے پہلے خیال کیا تھا۔ اور چونکہ میتھین 20 سالوں میں کاربن ڈائی آکسائیڈ سے 80 گنا زیادہ طاقتور سیارے کو گرم کرتی ہے، یہ ایک بڑا […]

February 22, 2023
7 views 9 mins 0

SignalFire\’s founder says his VC firm lost staffers who \”thought we were too cheap\” in prior years

For most founders, being seen by employees as cheap isn’t exactly a badge of honor, but venture investor Chris Farmer doesn’t mind. While Farmer’s 10-year-old, seed-stage venture firm SignalFire lost frustrated employees who weren’t able to compete for deals when the market was at its most frothy, he says, holding the line on price appears […]

February 22, 2023
10 views 9 mins 0

SignalFire\’s founder says his VC firm lost staffers who \”thought we were too cheap\” in prior years

For most founders, being seen by employees as cheap isn’t exactly a badge of honor, but venture investor Chris Farmer doesn’t mind. While Farmer’s 10-year-old, seed-stage venture firm SignalFire lost frustrated employees who weren’t able to compete for deals when the market was at its most frothy, he says, holding the line on price appears […]

February 22, 2023
10 views 9 mins 0

SignalFire\’s founder says his VC firm lost staffers who \”thought we were too cheap\” in prior years

For most founders, being seen by employees as cheap isn’t exactly a badge of honor, but venture investor Chris Farmer doesn’t mind. While Farmer’s 10-year-old, seed-stage venture firm SignalFire lost frustrated employees who weren’t able to compete for deals when the market was at its most frothy, he says, holding the line on price appears […]

February 22, 2023
10 views 9 mins 0

SignalFire\’s founder says his VC firm lost staffers who \”thought we were too cheap\” in prior years

For most founders, being seen by employees as cheap isn’t exactly a badge of honor, but venture investor Chris Farmer doesn’t mind. While Farmer’s 10-year-old, seed-stage venture firm SignalFire lost frustrated employees who weren’t able to compete for deals when the market was at its most frothy, he says, holding the line on price appears […]