Pakistan News
February 23, 2023
9 views 49 secs 0

FIA’s team says it has ‘made significant progress’ in Rs54bn scam investigation

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Commercial Banking Circle Karachi has made significant progress in investigating a Rs54-billion scam. 16 people, including officials from the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) and 18 other banks, oil marketing companies, and the founding director of Hascol Petroleum have been arrested and detained. 30 officers have been nominated in the […]

Pakistan News
February 22, 2023
9 views 2 mins 0

FIA\’s team says it has \’made significant progress\’ in Rs54bn scam

[ The team of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Commercial Banking Circle Karachi said that it has made significant progress in the investigation of a Rs54-billion scam on Tuesday. Earlier, the FIA\’s team made several arrests and detained 16 accused in the financial fraud case including officials from the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) and 18 […]

Pakistan News
February 22, 2023
9 views 2 mins 0

FIA\’s team says it has \’made significant progress\’ in Rs54bn scam

[ The team of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Commercial Banking Circle Karachi said that it has made significant progress in the investigation of a Rs54-billion scam on Tuesday. Earlier, the FIA\’s team made several arrests and detained 16 accused in the financial fraud case including officials from the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) and 18 […]

Pakistan News
February 22, 2023
8 views 2 mins 0

FIA\’s team says it has \’made significant progress\’ in Rs54bn scam

[ The team of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Commercial Banking Circle Karachi said that it has made significant progress in the investigation of a Rs54-billion scam on Tuesday. Earlier, the FIA\’s team made several arrests and detained 16 accused in the financial fraud case including officials from the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) and 18 […]

Pakistan News
February 22, 2023
6 views 2 mins 0

FIA\’s team says it has \’made significant progress\’ in Rs54bn scam

[ The team of Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Commercial Banking Circle Karachi said that it has made significant progress in the investigation of a Rs54-billion scam on Tuesday. Earlier, the FIA\’s team made several arrests and detained 16 accused in the financial fraud case including officials from the National Bank of Pakistan (NBP) and 18 […]

February 16, 2023
7 views 4 secs 0

NBP president’s slot: selection process scrapped

اسلام آباد: باخبر ذرائع نے بتایا کہ وفاقی کابینہ نے نیشنل بینک آف پاکستان (این بی پی) کے صدر کے انتخاب کے عمل کو ختم کر دیا ہے جب وزیر خزانہ نے عدنان علی آغا کے نام کی ان کے مبینہ \”منفی\” سابقہ ​​کے لیے مخالفت کی تھی۔ بزنس ریکارڈر. صدر نیشنل بینک آف پاکستان […]

February 08, 2023
7 views 5 secs 0

NBP president’s slot: Name proposed by FD not approved by Cabinet

اسلام آباد: وفاقی کابینہ نے نیشنل بینک آف پاکستان (این بی پی) کے صدر کی تقرری کے لیے فنانس ڈویژن کی جانب سے تجویز کردہ امیدوار کی منظوری نہیں دی اور اس عہدے کو پر کرنے کے لیے دوبارہ اشتہار دینے کی ہدایت کر دی۔ ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ فنانس ڈویژن نے وزیر خزانہ […]