February 23, 2023
11 views 7 secs 0

Quebec Premier Legault won’t meet election promise to offer pre-kindergarten – Montreal |

Quebec Premier François Legault is defending his government\’s failure to meet a key campaign promise of offering kindergarten classes beginning at four years old to all the province\’s children. The Coalition Avenir Québec party originally promised to open 5,000 classes within five years, but that target was later dropped to 2,600 classes by 2025-26. Education […]

February 23, 2023
9 views 2 mins 0

In English-language letter, Legault makes case to close Roxham Road border crossing, transfer migrants | CBC News

Quebec\’s Premier Francois Legault is calling on Ottawa to close the Roxham Road irregular border crossing in southern Quebec and transfer asylum seekers to other provinces. He argues that the influx of migrants is putting a strain on the province\’s social services, and is raising humanitarian concerns. In response, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has called […]

February 21, 2023
7 views 2 secs 0

Send all asylum seekers to other provinces, Legault tells Trudeau | CBC News

وزیر اعظم فرانسوا لیگولٹ وزیر اعظم جسٹن ٹروڈو پر زور دے رہے ہیں کہ وہ کیوبیک میں داخل ہونے والے تمام پناہ گزینوں کو \”جیسے ہی وہ سرحد پر پہنچیں\” دوسرے صوبوں میں بھیج دیں۔ لیگلٹ نے یہ درخواست ٹروڈو کو ریڈیو-کینیڈا سے حاصل کردہ ایک خط میں جاری کی۔ یہ خط کیوبیک حکومت کی […]