February 26, 2023
7 views 3 mins 0

Afraid to sleep indoors: Child survivors of deadly quake left traumatized | CNN

On February 6, 2021, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck southern Turkey, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. The quake killed at least 83 people and injured over 1,600. For 15-year-old Salma Sharif, the disaster was particularly devastating: she witnessed the death of her brother and mother. After sleeping on the streets for two […]

February 23, 2023
5 views 0 secs 0

Deep earthquakes could reveal secrets of the Earth\’s mantle: Study uses 350-mile-deep earthquake to make elusive measurements of the Earth\’s layers

A new study from the University of Chicago has revealed a surprisingly fluid layer of rock ringing the Earth at the bottom of the upper mantle. Using data from a deep earthquake in the Pacific Ocean near Fiji, geophysicist Sunyoung Park and her colleagues found evidence of a 50-mile thick layer of low-viscosity rock that […]

February 23, 2023
5 views 0 secs 0

Deep earthquakes could reveal secrets of the Earth\’s mantle: Study uses 350-mile-deep earthquake to make elusive measurements of the Earth\’s layers

A new study from the University of Chicago has revealed a surprisingly fluid layer of rock ringing the Earth at the bottom of the upper mantle. Using data from a deep earthquake in the Pacific Ocean near Fiji, geophysicist Sunyoung Park and her colleagues found evidence of a 50-mile thick layer of low-viscosity rock that […]

February 23, 2023
5 views 0 secs 0

Deep earthquakes could reveal secrets of the Earth\’s mantle: Study uses 350-mile-deep earthquake to make elusive measurements of the Earth\’s layers

A new study from the University of Chicago has revealed a surprisingly fluid layer of rock ringing the Earth at the bottom of the upper mantle. Using data from a deep earthquake in the Pacific Ocean near Fiji, geophysicist Sunyoung Park and her colleagues found evidence of a 50-mile thick layer of low-viscosity rock that […]

February 23, 2023
8 views 0 secs 0

Deep earthquakes could reveal secrets of the Earth\’s mantle: Study uses 350-mile-deep earthquake to make elusive measurements of the Earth\’s layers

A new study from the University of Chicago has revealed a surprisingly fluid layer of rock ringing the Earth at the bottom of the upper mantle. Using data from a deep earthquake in the Pacific Ocean near Fiji, geophysicist Sunyoung Park and her colleagues found evidence of a 50-mile thick layer of low-viscosity rock that […]

February 21, 2023
5 views 30 secs 0

Two More Earthquakes With Magnitudes Of 6.4 And 5.8 In Hatay | NationalTurk

ڈیزاسٹر اینڈ ایمرجنسی منیجمنٹ پریذیڈنسی کے اعداد و شمار کے مطابق، 20.04 پر، Hatay کے ڈیفنے ضلع میں 6.4 شدت کا زلزلہ ریکارڈ کیا گیا، اور 3 منٹ بعد، زلزلے کا مرکز دوبارہ Hatay کے Samandağ ضلع میں تھا، جس کی شدت 5.8 تھی۔ . ڈیفنے ضلع میں زلزلہ 16.74 کلومیٹر کی گہرائی میں آیا […]

February 18, 2023
6 views 18 mins 0

Isolated Iran finds ally China reluctant to extend it a lifeline | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story appears in today’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter, CNN’s three-times-a-week look inside the region’s biggest stories. Sign up here. Abu Dhabi, UAE CNN  —  Shortly before leaving for his first state visit to China on Tuesday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi issued a thinly veiled criticism of his […]

February 15, 2023
6 views 22 secs 0

Turkey Earthquakes: 12873 Dead | NationalTurk

صبح 7.7 بجے صبح 4.17 بجے کہرامانماراس کے ضلع پزارک میں؛ جہاں 13.24 بجے البستان ضلع میں 7.6 شدت کا زلزلہ آیا، وہیں غازیانتپ میں 6.4 اور 6.5 کی شدت کے دو زلزلے آئے۔ 7.7 شدت کے زلزلے کے بعد 13:24 پر ایک اور زلزلہ آیا۔ زلزلے کی شدت، جس کا مرکز البستان ضلع کہرامانماراس […]

February 08, 2023
5 views 2 secs 0

Earthquakes to disrupt Turkiye growth, stretch budget as Erdogan heads to elections

انقرہ: ترکی میں آنے والے بڑے زلزلے انقرہ کے بجٹ میں اربوں ڈالر کے اخراجات کا اضافہ کریں گے اور اس سال اقتصادی ترقی کو دو فیصد پوائنٹس تک کم کر دیں گے، حکام اور ماہرین اقتصادیات نے کہا، کیونکہ سخت انتخابات سے قبل حکومت کو بڑی تعمیر نو کا سامنا ہے۔ شمالی شام اور […]

February 07, 2023
3 views 32 secs 0

Major deadly earthquakes in the past two decades | The Express Tribune

گزشتہ دو دہائیوں میں دنیا کے سب سے زیادہ مہلک زلزلوں میں سے کچھ ذیل میں درج ہیں، پیر کو وسطی ترکی اور شمال مغربی شام میں 7.8 شدت کے زلزلے کے بعد اور سینکڑوں افراد ہلاک ہوئے۔ – 14 اگست 2021 – ہیٹی – جنوبی ہیٹی میں 7.2 شدت کے زلزلے سے 2,200 سے […]