Economy, Tech
February 23, 2023
5 views 6 mins 0

Showing customer success platforms haven\’t lost steam, Vitally secures $30M

Customer success platforms (CSPs), or software designed to help business-to-business companies manage and monitor their customer success efforts, are increasingly in demand. According to a Research and Markets report, the market for global CSPs will be worth $3.1 billion by 2026. Some sources attribute the sector’s growth to the economic impact of the pandemic, which […]

Economy, Tech
February 23, 2023
6 views 6 mins 0

Showing customer success platforms haven\’t lost steam, Vitally secures $30M

Customer success platforms (CSPs), or software designed to help business-to-business companies manage and monitor their customer success efforts, are increasingly in demand. According to a Research and Markets report, the market for global CSPs will be worth $3.1 billion by 2026. Some sources attribute the sector’s growth to the economic impact of the pandemic, which […]

Economy, Tech
February 23, 2023
7 views 6 mins 0

Showing customer success platforms haven\’t lost steam, Vitally secures $30M

Customer success platforms (CSPs), or software designed to help business-to-business companies manage and monitor their customer success efforts, are increasingly in demand. According to a Research and Markets report, the market for global CSPs will be worth $3.1 billion by 2026. Some sources attribute the sector’s growth to the economic impact of the pandemic, which […]

Economy, Tech
February 23, 2023
9 views 6 mins 0

Showing customer success platforms haven\’t lost steam, Vitally secures $30M

Customer success platforms (CSPs), or software designed to help business-to-business companies manage and monitor their customer success efforts, are increasingly in demand. According to a Research and Markets report, the market for global CSPs will be worth $3.1 billion by 2026. Some sources attribute the sector’s growth to the economic impact of the pandemic, which […]

February 22, 2023
6 views 15 secs 0

Queen’s University receives $30M donation for research – Kingston |

مضمون کے فونٹ کا سائز کم کریں۔ مضمون کے فونٹ کا سائز بڑھائیں۔ کوئنز یونیورسٹی کے ایک سابق طالب علم نے اپنے الما میٹر کے لیے بہت بڑا مالی تعاون کیا ہے۔ Bruce Mitchell نے تحقیق کی شدت کو بڑھانے اور گریجویٹ طلباء کی بھرتی کی حمایت کرنے کے مقصد کے لیے $30M کا عطیہ […]

February 12, 2023
6 views 2 secs 0

Pakistani diaspora in US contributes $30m to victims in Turkiye-Syria quake

وزیر اعظم شہباز شریف نے ہفتے کے روز کہا کہ امریکہ میں مقیم ایک پاکستانی نے جاں بحق اور دو زخمی ہونے والوں کے لواحقین کو 30 ملین ڈالر کا عطیہ دیا ہے۔ جنوبی ترکی اور شام میں زلزلے کے جھٹکے. وزیر اعظم شہباز شریف نے ٹویٹ کیا، \”ایک گمنام پاکستانی کی مثال سن کر […]

February 12, 2023
7 views 7 secs 0

Pakistani in US contributes $30m to quake victims in Turkiye | The Express Tribune

وزیر اعظم شہباز نے ہفتے کے روز کہا کہ امریکہ میں مقیم ایک پاکستانی نے جنوبی ترکی اور شام میں دو زلزلوں میں اپنی جانوں سے ہاتھ دھونے اور زخمی ہونے والوں کے لواحقین کو 30 ملین ڈالر کا عطیہ دیا ہے۔ شہباز نے ٹویٹر پر کہا، \”ایک گمنام پاکستانی کی مثال سن کر دل […]